Greensand Country contains more than half of Bedfordshire’s woodland. The rich woodland habitats support badgers and a wide range of bats. Dormouse and other threatened species are being re-introduced in some areas, and many of the ancient woods are home to rare species of butterfly, such as Purple Emperor and White Admiral. Popular woods include:
Maulden Wood — One of the largest and most important remnants of ancient woodland in Bedfordshire. The wood is split between greensand and glacial boulder clay areas, which support a diversity of plants and animals.

Maulden Wood
Rushmere’s Oak Wood Sculpture Trail — The Oak Wood Sculpture Trail consists of a series of wooden sculptures and carved benches, created by local craftspeople and chosen by visitors to Rushmere.
Chicksands Wood — Peaceful woods withlots of flora and fauna. Pathways are permissive access and can be reached via the Greensand Ridge Walk.
Rowney Warren — A haven for both walkers and cyclists. Some of the woods are maintained as a mountain bike course, the remainder is a quiet area of pine, oak and beech trees for those seeking a peaceful stroll.
Aspley Woods — Approximately 326ha of mainly conifer plantation with some areas of semi-ancient natural woodland, that lies between Woburn Sands, Bow Brickhill and Aspley Guise, with walking, horse-riding and cycle trails.