Things to do in the wild
Greensand Country is a great place to get outdoors and discover nature on your doorstep. Some wildlife you might be able to spot are:
Birdwatching — RSPB The Lodge nature reserve & gardens is a great place to spot woodpeckers, ravens and red kites. Barn owls are also spotted around St Mary’s Old Church in Clophill.
Heron Watch — At Rushmere Country Park you can enjoy watching the herons nesting each spring.
Look out for spectacular blooms of bluebells — in spring along the Greensand Ridge.

A robin at RSPB The Lodge Nature Reserve
Reptiles living on the heathlands — The heathlands of the Greensand Ridge are some of the last remaining areas in the Midlands. Cooper’s Hill is Bedfordshire’s largest remaining area of heathland and home to the adder and common lizard.
Otters on the River Flit — If you’re lucky you might see an otter hunting in the river, or signs that an otter is nearby! Look out for bubbles under the water or slipways made by the belly of a sliding otter. You may even come across their droppings known as ‘spraint’, which has a distinctive aroma and can usually be found near tree roots or rocks. Kingfishers can also be seen along the river near Clophill.
Spot rare butterflies — Flying in the treetops of Greensand Country’s woodlands, you may be able to spot purple emperor or white letter hairstreak.
Dormouse — A volunteer-led scheme to reintroduce the endangered hazel dormouse. These timid creatures are very difficult to spot, but if you’re very patient and quiet, you might get lucky!