Restoration of the Cage, Silsoe

Written by: Peter Offer
Restoration of ‘The Cage’ in Silsoe. Village lock-up thought to date from the 18th century.
Stonework repaired and re-pointed. Wooden door restored. Building looks much better and robust for the future.
Benefits to People
The project has restored an important piece of Silsoe’s heritage which was in danger of collapse and potential loss. The new interpretation board has been well received and will inform both the local community and any visitors about the history of The Cage and allow them to visit it. Many new residents were previously unaware of it’s existence.
Benefits to Heritage & Landscape
The Cage is in much better condition and preserved for the future. The stonework was crumbling and beginning to collapse and the door was falling apart. The structure will be inspected regularly by the Parish Council to prevent future deterioration. An interpretation board has been erected to give more information to the public.
The Cage is in much better condition. The building was overgrown with vegetation and unattractive to look at. Accessibility has been confirmed thanks the co-operation of neighboring residents.
Challenges & Lessons Learnt
The building required specialist attention. Architects Michael Dales Partnership were engaged to find expert contractors to attend to the stonework and the wooden door. Careful re-pointing was needed and the door required special attention including the refitting.
I would not do nothing different. The advice to others would be to allow plenty of time!