Putting the Green in Greensand

Written by: Erika Pratt
Engaging with schools, developing useful & valid resources to promote Greensand Country and delivering/enabling delivery of classroom sessions with a focus on climate change and environmental sustainability.
Supporting Interest in Climate Change and personal responsibilities and actions by developing a ‘Green’ accreditation scheme. Positively recognising action by taken by young people to improve or support the local environment and celebrating and rewarding this to inspire future action.
Supported access to the countryside to experience the Greensand Country.
Networking with local schools and groups and supporting them in including Climate Change on their agenda
Resources produced and activity sessions delivered.
Greensand Champions accreditation scheme launched in 2021 and delivered again in 2022, with resources created to support annual delivery.
Benefits to People
Specifically young people both in the formal education system and those living in the Greensand area making them more aware of the unique heritage of the Greensand Country Landscape, the potential impacts of climate change and what can be done about it.
Hopefully it supported and encouraged a sense of community. Also hopefully highlighted the potential for local action on climate change.
Recognise and celebrate the efforts of young people making positive change to ‘Be greener’ when it can seem overwhelming.
Benefits to Heritage & Landscape
The visits and resource packs have contributed to an improved understanding of the landscape, its habitats and key heritage features, the value of them in the context of climate change and what they can do to help.
Challenges & Lesssons Learnt
Never underestimate the time it takes to liaise with teachers and advisors.
‘I love and admire the motivation to do something positive, attain the resources required to carry out the actions and make a positive difference. A great achievement and a model that could easily be repeated throughout Greensand Country’
-IF Greensand Champion judge 2020
A great example of the school showing how to engage children with their local wildlife areas. I hope they carry this forward with them to put into practice throughout the rest of their lives.
-GB Greensand Champion judge 2020
‘Thanks for the education sessions today. The children enjoyed learning about the different habitats and climate change in the Greensand area. This session was relevant to our children in both year 5 & 6 and will hopefully help further their understanding in class’.
-Primary school teacher