Wildflower walk for families!
Wednesday 01st June 2022 11:00 - 12:30

Summertime brings colour and noise to The Lodge, as flowers open and insects buzz merrily between them. Join us for a walk to look for flowers on the reserve, exploring how they thrive in different habitats and attract insects to spread their pollen.
Led by volunteers, this walk will give you pointers in recognising certain flowers and characteristics. Each attendee will get a guide sheet to common flowers which they can take away with them.
We will also look out for bees and butterflies making the most of the summer, feeding on the nectar of the flowers.
This is perfect for any budding young botanists or environmentalists looking to learning a bit more. The walk itself will be aimed at 5-11 year olds, but children of all ages are welcome.
All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Sadly we will be walking over uneven terrain and it is not suitable for anyone using a wheelchair or buggies.
Images courtesy of Robin Gilmore.