Paris House, Woburn

Paris House stands just inside the Woburn Estate and is currently a high class restaurant. It was originally built in 1878 as part of The Paris International Exhibition and was situated on the ‘Street of Nations’. It was one of five houses to represent Britain and Britain was one of 28 countries to be represented at the Exhibition.
Designed by Gilbert Redgrave and built by William Cubbitt & Son, it was erected in prefabricated sections of the Tudor style and pegged together. The 9th Duke of Bedford fell in love with the building, had it dismantled, shipped piece by piece to its current home and rebuilt in the grounds of the Woburn Estate. Here, it was extended and made into a usable home.
It has been used to accommodate staff from Woburn Abbey, a hospital and was also ear-marked as a safe house for the King and Queen during the war.
Paris House is within the grounds of Woburn Park. The main entrance is from London Road (B5704), though it can also be reached from the GSRW via footpaths from Woburn Abbey
Since the war, Paris House has enjoyed a colourful culinary history and in the spring of 2017 the kitchen and dining rooms were fully refurbished bringing Paris House back to its former glory.