Kings Wood NNR

This magnificent wood is part of the largest area of deciduous woodland in Bedfordshire and its history can be traced back before the 15th century. King’s Wood is in multiple ownership and some of it is privately owned without public access. Straddling both the acidic sandy soils of the Greensand Ridge and the chalkier influence of the boulder clay, an intriguing variety of trees can be found in the wood, from multi-stemmed small-leaved lime to the sinewy trunks of hornbeam (a wood so strong it was once used to make gear wheels) to mighty oaks and silver birch trees.
There are seasonal ponds scattered throughout the wood. The drumming of the woodpecker heralds spring, when bluebells, primroses and lily-of- the-valley carpet the woodland floor. White admiral and silver-washed fritillary butterflies feed on bramble flowers, while nuthatches and treecreepers feed on insects.
No general public access, although a public footpath does pass through the western edge of the site.
Access points: SP 9203 2940 (What 3 Words: ///took.arena.recall) – public footpath linking to the Greensand Ridge Walk, accessible from the Stockgrove entrance and car park of Rushmere Country Park.