GCLP Talks and Events 2021: RSPB – Peter Bradley, The Lodge Living Heaths (Zoom, rescheduled)
Monday 12th July 2021 19:30 - 20:30

Doors open: 7:25 pm
GCLP are very pleased to programme Peter Bradley, RSPB’s Senior Site Manager at The Lodge Reserve in Sandy, as part of the Celebrating Greensand Talks and Events programme for 2021.
Join Peter on this fascinating talk on the Lodge’s Living Heaths. Peter is at the heart of the reserve’s conservation work and in this talk he’ll give us some of the history of the area, tell us about RSPB’s re-creation of the heathland and the wildlife that benefits from this.
The Lodge Nature Reserve and Gardens is a very special place, offering an exceptionally rich combination of wildlife and heritage experiences. The woodland, heath and acid grassland here cover an area of some 220 hectares, and now form the largest stretch of heathland in Bedfordshire.
For more information and to book your free place, please email Community Arts Officer, Sally Christopher at sallyc@greensandcountry.com