GCLP Talks and Events 2021: ‘Pre-Roman Archaeology across Greensand Country’ Part One with Stephen Coleman (Zoom)
Wednesday 05th May 2021 19:30 - 21:00

Doors open: 7:25 pm
Greensand Country Landscape Partnership: Programme of Talks and Events Celebrating Greensand Country
GCLP are pleased to welcome Stephen Coleman, Historic Environment Information Officer for Central Bedfordshire Council, as he hosts the first in a two part Zoom lecture.
After a brief look at significant sites dating from Mesolithic and Neolithic times, aerial photos will introduce the many Bronze Age burial sites and numerous Iron Age farmsteads, hamlets and hillforts known across the Greensand Ridge. Some high status finds will also be highlighted, including a rare mirror from Old Warden and a collection of rich grave goods from Stanfordbury.
For more information and to book a place please email Sally Christopher, Community Arts Officer sallyc@greensandcountry.com