Creative Writing Workshops for Children, with Daisy Henwood (8 – 12 year olds) – FREE
Saturday 06th March 2021 09:30 - 10:30

Doors open: 9:25 am
Are you 8 – 12 years old?
Do you live in Greensand Country? Have you got a story you’d love to tell about where you live and the places you love to visit?
Well, why not join writer Daisy Henwood to explore how creative writing can help us connect to the natural world.
From describing plants and bugs to thinking about where humans fit in the nonhuman world, we’ll try out some innovative ways to describe Greensand Country. Through a series of writing exercises, discussions, and opportunities to share your work, you’ll be inspired and empowered to write about your local area. If you’re someone who loves to write, loves to be outside, or wants to explore your relationship to nature, these workshops are for you!
Greensand Country Landscape Partnership are delighted to commission Daisy Henwood to deliver this course. Daisy is a writer and arts producer based in Norwich. She is the co-director of TOAST poetry, and runs workshops for the National Centre for Writing, Norwich Castle, and Young Norfolk Arts. In 2020, she received her PhD in Environmental Literature from UEA, and was commissioned by BBC Norfolk and Norwich City Council to write about Norwich’s green spaces. All of her work is interested in the ways writing helps foster our connection to nature.
Workshop Information
Participants are encouraged to commit to both Session 1 and Session 2 to make the most of the experience.
Saturday 6th March 9.30am – 10.30am (8-12 year olds) Session 1
Saturday 13h March 9.30am – 10.30am (8-12 year olds) Session 2
Workshops will be held via a private group session on Zoom, led by Daisy Henwood and supported by Community Arts Officer for GCLP, Sally Christopher.
Please email for more information and to book your place.
The workshop is limited to 15 participants. This workshop if free for people to attend.