Greensand Country EarthCaches
With the help of Bedfordshire Geology Group, Clophill Heritage Trust and one of our fabulous Greensand Country volunteers, a series of Greensand Country EarthCaches have started to emerge across the landscape.
EarthCaches don’t have physical containers, but instead, bring you to a unique location and teach you a geological science lesson, highlighting what is interesting about the location and focussing on the solid earth and the processes that shape it.
You can already find four of our EarthCaches, at St Mary’s Old Church, Clophill, Haynes, the Stockgrove side of Rushmere Country Park and at RSPB The Lodge nature reserve & Gardens. We aim to add many more caches over the coming months.
In order to complete our EarthCaches, you must be a registered Geocaching member. Find out more and start collecting your Greensand Country EarthCaches today at https://www.geocaching.com/